jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

A new way to kill a cockroach.

Recently I had an insect experience.
As often as I can, I try to respect and mantain all life, Not that I am a buddhist or such, but I consider that unnecessary killing is well, unnecessary. However, sometimes nature has a way of defying us and getting on our nerves. It is easy to recognize those moments by the sheer audacity and level of annoyance that is practiced by little creatures, plants, or just plain rocks.
At any rate, I'll like to leave with you this graciously illustrated experience that showed me what we're capable of.

I'll start by refering to my first encounter with the guy
It was 5:42 am, The world tasted like morning breath and my tonge beseeched me to give it a bath
I oppened the door to the restroom and turned the light
and there it was, sitting on my brush. . A cockroach, staring at me as if I was the one interrupting it's privacy.

I don't care much for toothbrush-dwelling animals, specially not when that toothbrush belongs to me, and has a special meaning for me at that specific moment.

I don't know if it was the annoying stare of the insect, or the plead of my teeth and tonge what prompted me to do what followed next.

After I was done, I thought that I should share the idea. It is not anything that will help you control the millions and millions of insects that are currently invading your house (yes, your house dear reader) but it does give you certain satisfaction. You feel that somehow, you're getting back at them.

I'll share the happenings in the form of a method. (if you have trouble reading the picture just click on it to see it full size)

Yes, it was there, and I do believe he said that.

we looked at each other, while my brain raced thinking on what to do next

Then I proceeded with my evil deed.

and proceeded,

until I was done.

And so it was; that I disposed of the body in a roach ceremony, I took the piece of paper, and burned it. then spreaded the ashes over the trashcan, as it was it's final request.

Illustrations by: Jorge Sosa®

(you might have to click on the picture to be able to see it full size and read the text)